Performative Statues of Absence (2016 - 2018)

Performance, photography, drawing on photography
Some of the works have been exhibited in:

"Young Artists to Follow in 2018" at Credo Bonum Gallery and Goethe-Institut Sofia, curated by Vesela Nozharova and Stefka Tsaneva.

The 24th International Biennial of Humor and Satire in the Arts, under the theme "Dimensions of the Public," curated by Margarita Dorovska.

Inspired by Antonin Artaud’s notion of the Insurge du corps (Rebel of the Body), it is a performance-based art project exploring themes of emptiness, ideology, and transformation through movement. The work documents live actions where the artist positions their body on abandoned pedestals—structures that once held sculptures of political figures from the communist era but now stand empty, stripped of their ideological symbols.

By using their body in opposition to the traditionally heroic postures of statues, the artist challenges the notion of historical glorification. Who are the heroes of our time? What remains when another replaces one ideology? The project provokes these questions by engaging with public space and reclaiming absence as a site of rebellion.

The intervention takes place in three Bulgarian cities—Veliko Tarnovo, Yambol, and Sofia—where the artist transforms forgotten pedestals into temporary stages of reflection. The photographic documentation of these performances is altered with red paint, visually reshaping the environment and emphasizing the act of reclaiming space. The work invites viewers to reconsider the material and symbolic remnants of the past and engage with the body as a tool of resistance and transformation.


Museum of Emptiness


Anticonformity and Art